
20 Feb 2025

RateHawk geht Partnerschaft mit BOSYS ein

RateHawk, die führende Online-B2B-Plattform für die Buchung von Hotels, Flugtickets, Transfers und Mietwagen, hat eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit BOSYS, einem der marktführenden Anbieter modularer Softwarelösungen für Reiseprofis, initiiert. Alle über die RateHawk-Plattform getätigten Buchungen von Unterkünften können nun automatisch im BOSYS-Mid-Office-System erfasst werden.

30 Jan 2025

RateHawk kooperiert mit TUI TRAVELStar

RateHawk, eine führende B2B-Onlineplattform für die Buchung von Hotels, Flugtickets, Transfers und Mietwagen, ist ab sofort strategischer Partner von TUI TRAVELStar, einem bedeutendem Netzwerk von über 300 unabhängigen Reisebüros aus Deutschland.

12 Nov 2024

RateHawk launches in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish

RateHawk, an online B2B platform for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers, has taken a major step towards its localization in the Nordic market. The platform launched fully localized web versions in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish languages. The entire system – including search pages, hotel profiles, booking forms, booking confirmations, and transaction notifications – is now available to partners in the Nordic region in their native language.

18 Oct 2024

Emerging Travel Group Appoints Head of Non-Accommodation Supply

Emerging Travel Group, a global travel company operating the brands RateHawk, ZenHotels, and Roundtrip, has appointed Fredrik Bonnalt as Head of Non-Accommodation Supply. In this role, Fredrik will lead the Group’s strategy for expanding its transportation services, including air, transfers, car rentals, and rail offerings.

09 Oct 2024

RateHawk launches rail travel booking services for travel professionals

RateHawk, an online B2B platform for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers, has introduced a rail travel booking service on its platform. RateHawk's partners – travel agents, operators, and other industry professionals worldwide – can now book rail tickets across various European destinations. The platform has reached an agreement with Rail Europe, the global reference brand for European train booking. The new service complements the existing travel options already available on RateHawk, which include accommodation, flights, car rentals, and transfers.