
Ratehawk integriert Hotel-Buchungen in Bosys

Die Online-B2B-Plattform Ratehawk und der Midoffice-Anbieter Bosys kooperieren. Künftig werden alle Hotelbuchungen über Ratehawk automatisch im Midoffice von Bosys erfasst, deren Plattform weitere Neuheiten für Reisebüros bietet.

Ratehawk arbeitet mit Bosys zusammen

Die B2B-Plattform Ratehawk hat eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit Bosys geschlossen.

Bosys: Mit Ratehawk und direkter Adigi-Kombi

Mit der Integration weiterer Drittsysteme hat der Hamburger Back- und Midoffice-Spezialist sein Portfolio für Reisebüros weiter ausgebaut. Neu zur Auswahl stehen laut Kay Rahn, Leiter Partner-Management, Travelmaster von Pixel-Production, Ratehawk für den Hotel-Content und Bus-Pro-Net von Kuschnik Software.

Ratehawk kooperiert mit TUI Travel Star

Ratehawk ist eine B2B-Plattform, die von der Emerging Travel Group entwickelt wurde. Über sie sind Hotels, Flugtickets, Transfers, Mietwagen und andere reisebezogene Dienstleistungen zu buchen.

Ratehawk kooperiert mit TUI Travel Star

Ratehawk, das Online-Buchungssystem für Hotels, Flug-Tickets und Transferleistungen, ist neuer strategischer Partner von TUI Travel Star. Damit haben die mehr als 300 Agenturen der Reisebüro-Kooperation unter anderem Zugriff auf über 2,6 Millionen Hotels und Ferienhäuser, wie Ratehawk mitteilt. Gut 120.000 Unterkünfte habe das Unternehmen direkt unter Vertrag, im vergangenen Jahr habe man 70 neue Anbieter und mehr als 30.000 zusätzliche Unterkünfte ins System aufgenommen. Zudem bietet Ratehwak nach eigenen Angaben Flugtickets von über 400 Fluggesellschaften und Transfers in über 150 Ländern an.

Η RateHawk βράβευσε τα τουριστικά γραφεία που ξεχώρισαν…

Η RateHawk, η γνωστή πλατφόρμα B2B κρατήσεων, πριν αποχαιρετήσει το 2024, τίμησε σημαντικούς Retail συνεργάτες της που ξεχώρισαν λόγω της εξαιρετικής παραγωγής τους, την εμπιστοσύνη και την προτίμηση που έδειξαν προς την εταιρεία ολόκληρο το έτος.

RateHawk Wins Europe’s ‘Best B2B Travel Provider 2024’ Title at World Travel Tech Awards

RateHawk, the travel industry platform, has been named the winner in the “Europe’s Best B2B Travel Provider 2024” category by the World Travel Tech Awards.

RateHawk Wins Europe’s ‘Best B2B Travel Provider 2024’ Title at World Travel Tech Awards

RateHawk, the travel industry platform, has been named the winner in the “Europe’s Best B2B Travel Provider 2024” category by the World Travel Tech Awards.

RateHawk Launches Advent Calendar with Exclusive Gifts for Travel Professionals

In celebration of the holiday season, RateHawk, the travel industry platform, has unveiled its Advent calendar initiative, designed to help travel businesses recharge after a busy year. The calendar offers daily surprises, special promotions, and a variety of gifts to support travel agents and professionals during this festive time.

RateHawk: la temporada de descuentos incrementó las reservas nacionales 30%

RateHawk reportó un incremento en las reservas de viajes nacionales durante el Buen Fin y los destinos de playa son los más elegidos.

RateHawk Launches Advent Calendar with Exclusive Gifts for Travel Professionals

In celebration of the holiday season, RateHawk, the travel industry platform, has unveiled its Advent calendar initiative, designed to help travel businesses recharge after a busy year. The calendar offers daily surprises, special promotions, and a variety of gifts to support travel agents and professionals during this festive time.

28 Nov 2024

News: RateHawk Unveils Black Friday Deals to Boost Travel Agents’ Success

This Black Friday, RateHawk is offering travel agents exclusive discounts and incentives designed to enhance their booking capabilities.

23 Oct 2024

RateHawk boosts travel businesses across Asia

RateHawk is here at ITB Asia demonstrating how it saves travel professionals time by delivering comprehensive services all in one place.

18 Oct 2024

RailEurope : RateHawk intègre le train

Fort d'un partenariat avec RailEurope, RateHawk intègre le train dans son offre qui propose déjà en B2B des réservations d’hôtels, de billets d’avion, la location de voiture et les transferts.

RateHawk lancia un nuovo servizio di prenotazione di viaggi in treno

RateHawk, piattaforma B2B online per prenotazioni di hotel, biglietti aerei e transfer, ha introdotto un nuovo servizio di viaggi in treno. I Partner di RateHawk – agenti di viaggio, operatori ed altri professionisti del settore in tutto il mondo – potranno ora prenotare biglietti ferroviari per varie destinazioni europee. La piattaforma ha raggiunto un accordo con Rail Europe, il marchio globale di fornitura di treni europei, ed il nuovo servizio integra le opzioni di viaggio già disponibili su RateHawk e che includono alloggio, voli, noleggio auto e trasferimenti.

15 Oct 2024

RateHawk launches rail travel booking services

RateHawk, in partnership with Rail Europe, has introduced a rail travel booking service on its platform, allowing its partners – travel agents, operators, and other industry professionals worldwide – to book rail tickets across various European destinations.

RateHawk lancia servizio di prenotazione di viaggi in treno

RateHawk, la piattaforma B2B online per prenotazioni di hotel, biglietti aerei e transfer, ha introdotto un nuovo servizio di viaggi in treno. I Partner di RateHawk – agenti di viaggio, operatori ed altri professionisti del settore in tutto il mondo – potranno ora prenotare biglietti ferroviari per varie destinazioni europee. La piattaforma ha raggiunto un accordo con Rail Europe, il marchio globale di fornitura di treni europei, ed il nuovo servizio integra le opzioni di viaggio già disponibili su RateHawk e che includono alloggio, voli, noleggio auto e trasferimenti.

RateHawk launches rail travel booking services for travel professionals

RateHawk has introduced a rail travel booking service on its platform for its partners – travel agents, operators, and other industry professionals worldwide – can now book rail tickets across various European destinations. The platform has reached an agreement with Rail Europe, the global reference brand for European train booking. The new service complements the existing travel options already available on RateHawk, which include accommodation, flights, car rentals, and transfers.

‘Meeting demand’: Top travel booking platforms offer rail options for first time

Rail is growing in the world of online booking. Emerging Travel Group (ETG), a UAE-based online travel company that operates several top travel booking brands, has signed a strategic partnership deal with European train booking company Rail Europe. For the first time, ETG’s booking platforms are offering rail options, signalling the very real arrival of rail as both a reliable alternative to air travel, and as a growing market to cash in on amid the EU’s sustainability push. One of ETG’s top transport representatives explains the move to RailTech.

RateHawk launches rail travel booking services for travel professionals

RateHawk, an online B2B platform for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers, has introduced a rail travel booking service on its platform. RateHawk’s partners – travel agents, operators, and other industry professionals worldwide – can now book rail tickets across various European destinations.