RateHawk names new UK chief and expands its commercial team, an online system for booking hotels, air tickets and transfers for travel professionals, announces the new appointments in its UK and Ireland commercial team: Chantal Tomlinson joins RateHawk as the Head of business development for the UK and Ireland, and Laura Harrison joins as Strategic business development manager. With these new hires, RateHawk follows its ambitious plans for further expansion in the UK and Ireland.
Das RateHawk-Team Schweiz hat Zuwachs bekommen, ein Online-System zur Buchung von Hotels, Flugtickets und Transfers, verstärkt das Sales Team in der Schweiz: RateHawk hat Aurélie Bourcart als Sales Managerin für die Schweiz eingestellt. Aurélie ist in der Romandie zuhause und wird neben den Vertriebspartnern in der Romandie auch Teile der deutschsprachigen Schweiz betreuen.
RateHawk targets travel agents in Asia
RateHawk, an online system for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers for travel professionals, has established its first Asian headquarters in Singapore. With the ambitious goal of targeting travel agents in the rapidly growing region, RateHawk is providing local travel professionals with an advanced booking tool tailored to the local markets. The launch of this hub and legal entity in Singapore will position RateHawk as a key industry player, actively serving travel agents throughout the region.
La demanda de viajes a Japón se dispara entre los viajeros españoles gracias a la reanudación de los vuelos directos
En 2024, Japón se está posicionando como uno de los destinos con mayor crecimiento en las reservas realizadas por las agencias de viajes españolas. De acuerdo con RateHawk, una plataforma B2B online de reservas de hoteles, vuelos y traslados, el número de reservas de alojamientos en Japón para fechas entre octubre y diciembre de 2024 se ha sextuplicado respecto al mismo período del año anterior. Este aumento de demanda coincide con el lanzamiento que hubo el 27 de octubre de 2024 de 3 vuelos directos semanales entre Madrid y Tokio, por la aerolínea Iberia. Esta ruta no había estado operativa desde 2020, cuando la crisis del COVID-19 obligó a suspenderla.
Spanish travelers’ demand for Japan spikes driven by the direct flights launch
Japan is becoming one of the fastest-growing destinations booked by Spanish travel agents in 2024. According to RateHawk, an online B2B platform for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers, the number of accommodation bookings in Japan for October-December 2024 increased six-fold compared to the same period last year. The rising demand coincides with the launch of three weekly direct flights between Madrid and Tokyo 3 times a week, scheduled for October 27 by Iberia carrier. The route has not operated since 2020, when it was suspended due to the COVID-19 crisis.