
09 Aug 2024

RateHawk hires Area Manager for Scotland, an online system for booking hotels, air tickets and transfers for travel professionals, has announced it has appointed Iain Raeper to the team as Area manager for Scotland. The move further expands the company’s UK and Ireland commercial team. Raeper’s industry experience spans more than two decades, with him having held senior positions in sales, business development and partnership building in tour operators and travel companies including If Only, EFR Travel Group and ONEE Luxury Travel.

07 Aug 2024

RateHawk names Scotland area manager

Iain Raeper has been named as area manager for Scotland by B2B booking platform RateHawk. He has held senior positions in sales, business development and partnership building in tour operators and travel companies including If Only, EFR Travel Group and ONEE Luxury Travel in a two decade industry career.

17 Jul 2024

Ratehawk meldet erhöhte Nachfrage nach Fernreisen

Wie sich die Nachfrage nach Unterkünften für Sommerurlaube entwickelt, hat sich Ratehawk angeschaut. Hier geht es zu den Ergebnissen für den deutschen Quellmarkt.

17 Jul 2024

Sommergeschäft: Asien, USA und Südafrika boomen

In diesem Sommer stehen Fernreisen bei den deutschen Kunden hoch im Kurs – besonders Ziele in Asien, Nordamerika und Südafrika werden laut Anbieter Ratehawk in den Reisebüros stark nachgefragt. Über das Online-System der B2B-Plattform können Reisebüros weltweit Hotels, Flugtickets und Transfers buchen. Nils Proschek, Country Manager für die DACH-Region bei Ratehawk, erklärt: „Bisher korreliert die steigende Nachfrage nach Hotelbuchungen in Asien und Südafrika mit den erhöhten Flugfrequenzen und neuen Routen von Fluggesellschaften aus dem Nahen Osten, die etwa Dubai und Doha zu Gateways in diesen Regionen machen.“ Zudem werde die Verbindung nach Südafrika durch die Aufnahme einer neuen Direktverbindung München–Johannesburg Anfang Juni gestärkt.

17 Jul 2024

Fernreiseziele liegen bei den Deutschen im Trend

German travelers are increasingly drawn to faraway places in the current summer season. This is what the B2B booking platform Ratehawk has determined based on travel agency bookings. According to the platform, the share of accommodation bookings in Asia, North America and South Africa within the booking structure for foreign travel has increased significantly. Ratehawk has recorded a significant increase in demand for Asian destinations such as Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Japan. Their total share of bookings for foreign travel is currently 15 percent, an increase of five percentage points compared to the previous year. In the summer months, bookings for Asian destinations have doubled compared to the previous year. Travel destinations in South Africa are also becoming increasingly popular. Hotel bookings have doubled compared to the same period last year.