
21 Aug 2024

Ratehawk-Mutter ETG kooperiert mit Sabre

Die Emerging Travel Group, Mutter der B2B-Reisevertriebsplattform Ratehawk, hat eine Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Sabre Hospitality und deren Hotel-Retailing-Lösung Sabre Synxis geschlossen.

21 Aug 2024

Emerging Travel Group integrates with Sabre SynXis

Emerging Travel Group, a global travel company operating the RateHawk, ZenHotels, and Roundtrip brands, has become a distribution partner of Sabre Hospitality, a leading software and technology provider. The partnership includes integration with Sabre’s technology platform SynXis to provide incremental revenue opportunities to the hoteliers and streamline their connectivity and distribution processes.

21 Aug 2024

Emerging Travel Group integrates with Sabre SynXis

Emerging Travel Group, a global travel company operating the RateHawk, ZenHotels, and Roundtrip brands, has become a distribution partner of Sabre Hospitality, a software and technology provider. The partnership includes integration with Sabre’s technology platform SynXis to provide incremental revenue opportunities to the hoteliers and streamline their connectivity and distribution processes.

21 Aug 2024

Emerging Travel Group avvia integrazione con la piattaforma SynXis di Sabre

Emerging Travel Group, azienda internazionale attiva nel settore turistico con i marchi RateHawk, ZenHotels e Roundtrip, ha annunciato una nuova collaborazione con Sabre Hospitality, fornitore leader di soluzioni tecnologiche e software per l’ospitalità. Questa partnership prevede l’integrazione con la piattaforma tecnologica SynXis di Sabre, offrendo nuove opportunità di crescita agli albergatori e semplificando i processi legati alla connettività e distribuzione.

20 Aug 2024

Emerging Travel Group se integra con Sabre SynXis

La compañía de viajes global que opera las marcas RateHawk, ZenHotels y Roundtrip, se ha convertido en socio de distribución de Sabre Hospitality.