
09 Oct 2024

RateHawk Adds Rail Travel Booking Services for Travel Advisors

RateHawk, an online B2B platform for booking hotels, air tickets and transfers, has introduced a rail travel booking service on its platform. This means that RateHawk's partners—travel advisors, operators and other industry professionals worldwide—can now book rail tickets across various European destinations. The platform, which reached an agreement with Rail Europe, the global reference brand for European train booking, complements the existing travel options already available on RateHawk (which includes accommodations, flights, car rentals and transfers).

09 Oct 2024

W RateHawk można zarezerwować usługi związane z podróżą koleją

RateHawk, internetowa platforma B2B oferująca rezerwację hoteli, biletów lotniczych i transferów, nawiązała współpracę z Rail Europe - globalnym dystrybutorem biletów kolejowych w Europie. Kooperacja zaowocowała wprowadzeniem do platformy usługi rezerwacji przejazdów kolejowych na trasach oferowanych przez Rail Europe, w 13 krajach europejskich, w tym w Polsce, Czechach, Austrii, Hiszpanii, Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech, Szwajcarii, Włoszech, na Węgrzech, Holandii, Belgii i Luksemburgu.

09 Oct 2024

Ratehawk macht Bahnprodukte buchbar

Die B2B-Plattform Ratehawk hat einen Buchungsdienst für Bahnreisen eingeführt.

09 Oct 2024

RateHawk Integrates Rail Travel Solutions into Its Platform

RateHawk has expanded its platform with a new rail travel booking feature, enabling travel agents to book tickets in 13 European countries. This addition is a strategic move to meet the growing demand for integrated travel solutions that include sustainable options.

09 Oct 2024

RateHawk Expands Travel Solutions with New Rail Travel Booking Services for France, Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Belgium, Luxembourg, UK, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic and Austria

RateHawk, an online B2B platform for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers, has introduced a rail travel booking service on its platform. RateHawk’s partners – travel agents, operators, and other industry professionals worldwide – can now book rail tickets across various European destinations. The platform has reached an agreement with Rail Europe, the global reference brand for European train booking. The new service complements the existing travel options already available on RateHawk, which include accommodation, flights, car rentals, and transfers.